Club Kids: Before & After School Care
The Club Kids Before and After-School program is a cooperative effort between the Roselle Park District, School District 12, School District 20, conducted at Spring Hills and Waterbury.
This program provides a safe, fun, and structured environment for kids before and after school. Club Kids is designed to help promote and engage children in a mix of fitness, socialization, and most of all, fun while being supervised by caring childcare staff during before and after school hours. The program includes a variety of group and individual activities including homework time, cards and board games, arts, crafts, and projects, cooperative activities, sports-related games, and outdoor play.
The before school program operates daily from 6:30am until the start of school and the after-school program operates daily from the end of school until 6:00pm. For those enrolled in the after-school program, all early release and half days are included, and no separate registration is required.
A one-time $30 non-refundable registration fee will apply to the Club Kids.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is the best payment option for my childcare needs?
Depending on your schedule and needs you choose between daily registration or a payment plan. Payment plans are offered for three, four, and five days a week (must commit to same days every week). Payment plans are best for consistent care with a regular schedule when attendance to the program will be three or more days a week. The daily option is better for a varying schedule that may be infrequent, or change based on needs. A combination of both the daily and the payment plan can be used if your needs are different for before school childcare and afterschool childcare – i.e., daily for before school care, and a specific payment plan for after school care
Can I register online?
Daily registrations can be completed online, but payment plans must be completed in person.
When does registration need to be completed?
· Registration must be complete 7 days prior to care being needed.
· Payment in full or a completed payment plan authorization form for all days selected is due at time of registration.
Who runs the program at the school?
The Club Kids program is staffed with Roselle Park District employees. All Club Kids staff received program and childcare training which includes First Aid and CPR. All programs are staffed at a 1:10 ratio.
Where do I drop-off/pick-up my child?
Drop-off and pick-up are different at each school.
Waterbury: Use the double doors in middle of the playground, door 3, knock to gain access.
Spring Hills: Use the right-side doors, ring doorbell labeled Club Kids to gain access.
Is Club Kids offered on Smart Days?
Yes Club Kids is still offered on Smart Days and there is no additional fee.
What if my child misses a day and is absent?
Days missed due to absence are non-transferable and non-refundable.
What is ePACT?
Once registration is complete you will a notification from ePACT to create and/or update your child’s electronic emergency profile. Your child’s ePACT is inclusive of parent/guardian and pick-up contact info, emergency contact information, medical needs, program policies, etc. Each Club Kids participants ePACT MUST be complete prior to their first day of Club Kids. Participants will be denied access to Club Kids in the event their ePACT is not completed at 100%.
To view the forms click HERE
I am trying to register online, but am being denied due to a pre-requisite requirement. What does this mean?
To ensure you receive the proper ePACT information, you need to first enroll the participant in the corresponding ePACT pre-requisite code before you can add the Club Kids registration to your cart. The codes are as follows:
Waterbury (WB): 228310-01 Spring Hills (SH): 228311-01
School Day Out
The Roselle Park District also offers childcare options for days off of school. Registration is completed by day and offerings for each season can be found in our seasonal brochure in the "Schools Out" section.