4 Paws Dog Park
Bring your dogs to get off leash, play, and socialize with other dogs at 4 Paws Dog Park! Roselle's off-leash dog park includes fenced play areas for large and small dogs. No water is available at the dog park, so bring a water bottle and bowl for your pets. A pass is required, and membership card, key, and lanyard must be with owner at all times.
Pass Registration Information
To purchase an annual Pooch Pass visit the front desk at the Clauss Recreation Center. You will need the following to register:
- Completed 4 Paws Dog Park Registration Form
- Copy of each dog's immunization records from your vet (Rabies, Distemper, Parvovirus, and Bordetella)
At the time of registration, participants will receive a copy of the rules, membership card, lanyard, and security key to access the park.
Passes are valid from May 1 - April 30 of each year.
Resident: $35 for your first dog, $10 for each additional dog
Non-Resident: $45 for your first dog, $10 for each additional dog
Registration fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and are not prorated.
Rules & Regulations
We want to provide those who have purchased the pass a fun and safe environment! Periodic monitoring and surveillance will be conducted by Roselle Park District staff and the Village of Roselle Police.
Infractions of any park rules may result in temporary or permanent revocation of a dog's registration and the privileges to use the park. Noncompliance of Park Code of Conduct may result in fines of up to $1,000.
- The park is open from dawn to dusk.
- Only members are allowed in the park, non-member are not permitted to ensure controlled and safe environment.
- Members must register all dogs that they plan to bring to the park.
- Owners must always wear appropriate proof of pooch pass(lanyard, dog park tag, and key)
- To be registered dogs must have current vaccinations(rabies, distemper, kennel cough and parvovirus) with documentation.
- Members are responsible for closing & locking the gate after entering or leaving the dog park to maintain security and restrict access to members only.
- Members should not let non-members into the park.
Behavior & Conduct:
- A handler aged 18 or older must always be present and is solely responsible for the actions of their dog(s) including but not limited to:
- Picking up any dog feces and disposing of in the waste receptacles, which are available throughout the park.
- Filling all the holes your dog digs.
- Dogs must be leashed while entering and exiting the park. Handlers must have a leash at all times. Owners are asked to closely supervise their dogs and at no time should an owner leave the area without their dog(s).
- Please remove pinch and spike collars from your dog prior to entering the dog run.
- Children must be at least 10 years of age and accompanied by a parent or guardian to enter the dog park. Children will be expected to behave in an appropriate manner: no running, no chasing dogs, no petting other dogs unless permission is requested from the owner first.
- Aggressive dogs must be removed from the park immediately. Excessive barking is strongly discouraged.
- Dogs in heat (estrus) are not permitted in the park.
- Dogs under 4 months of age are not permitted in the park.
- Cooperation between handlers is expected and required.
- No food meant for human or dog consumption permitted in the park.
- Handlers are limited to three dogs per visit.
- The dog owner agrees to assume the full risk of any injuries, damage, or loss connected with or associated with the use of the Dog Park.
Note: Park may be closed weekly for routine maintenance dependent on weather conditions.

M-Su: Dawn-Dusk
1582 Travis Pkwy, Roselle, IL 60172
To report an issue at this park contact us at: