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Lake Park Student Parking Permits

Lake Park Students can purchase a parking permit for the back section of the Clauss Recreation Center parking lot. Parking spaces are limited to 70 spaces in the back rows of the parking lot identified by red parking lines.

All students parking in the lot are required to follow all rules and regulations. Students are asked to cross Bryn Mawr at the cross walk and not in the middle of the street for safety purposes.

Registration Information

To purchase an Lake Park Parking Permit visit the front desk at the Clauss Recreation Center. Registration for each school year opens July 1st. You will need the following to register:

  • Completed Parking Permit Application
  • Parent/Guardian Signature on application
  • Vehicle information (make, model, color, license plate)


1 Semester: Resident $75/ Non-Resident $80

2 Semesters: Resident $135/ Non-Resident $140

A single permit is valid for use in 2 different cars, any more than 2 cars will be charged an additional $10 per car.

No refunds will be given on purchased permits and permits are not transferable to other students.

Rules & Regulations

Failure to comply with the following may result in your vehicle being stickered, towed, or ticketed:

  • Parking hours: Monday-Friday during school hours.
  • Proper permit must be displayed from rearview mirror so that the permit number is visible from the front end of the car.
  • Parking is only permitted in the designated red permit parking area.
  • Permits are only valid for vehicles listed on the permit application. If you purchase a new vehicle you must notify the District of new vehicle or license plate.

Parking permit may be revoked, denied, or not renewed for violations of rules & regulations.

Towing Information:

Vehicles are towed at driver's expense and the fee must be paid directly to:

Redmon’s Towing

1323 S. Rodenburg Rd.

Schaumburg, IL 60193

(847) 895-6162

Please note: there is a storage fee per day when cars are not picked up within a 24-hour period.